
Our cyclorama studio with motorized truss ceiling is engineered to perfection. Infinity walls with lots of space to play around and fully equipped to facilitate your shoot or test. We also have great coffee, blazingly fast internet and a comfy sofa area where you can sit back or test your lens set in a home environment. Hell, we even host industry keynote speeches, workshops and film screenings on our giant 7m cinema screen.

Cyclorama B 7,5 x D 6,0 x H 4,5m
Motorized Truss Ceiling ⇅ 6m
In-house Lighting & Grip Equipment
Studio Surface 150 m2
Make-Up, Kitchen, Client & Sofa Areas
High Speed Tri-Band Wi-Fi 6 Network
Wireless AirPlay Speakers
Private Parking Space
Drive-In Access ↑ 6m
Optional Catering